Dis message be for da fuzzies only.  If you be da hooman....you go away
and no read dis!
I be da Tyboo and me ma sez it be okay for me to hab some furry friends
come play wit me.  Me ma let me on dis here 'puter thangie and she let me
make me very own group.....but it be for da furkids only!  No Hoomans
If you be da furkid, ask you ma or you pa if you can come play wit us!  I
hab some friends who already der.....Pherit the ferret be der and that
really cool L'il Bear-he da hisser....he like to hiss at Auntie Judith!
He be der, too!
So if you be furkid and you wanna come play wit us, just send message to:
<[log in to unmask]>
Come dook, dance and hab a good scratch wit us!
Da TyBoo
[Posted in FML issue 4282]