[Moderator's note: I think it's gone far enough to move it off-list
once again.  BIG]
>From:    "Tara C. Radford" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Kim Fox/Barb mess
>We were real friends.Kim Fox has done some very nice things in the
>past...she made Muffin her very first surprise hammie that Muffy adopted
>& still Loves..things like that..  Then for some unknown reason (maybe
>you can help me here,Kim F) things went awry...
Gee Tara, I'm the one in the dark here.  Maybe YOU can HELP me understand
why things went awry.  I emailed you months ago to address this and you
have yet to respond.
>You told me of her adopting out only ill ferrets,and horror stories of
>Barb somehow electrocuting ferrets instead of euthanasing them..  For
>years i was reeling from this info... It made no sense yet i knew no
Once again, I never said that she adopted out ONLY ill ferrets.  I was
relating to my brother's experience with his adoption and HIS only.  You
never visited Rocky's for yourself during the time that I did yet after
you joined Pooflingers you were suddenly enlightened to the facts?
Please.  I however DID visit.  I chose NOT to visit ever again after that
one visit.  I NEVER said that Barb "electrocuted" ferrets.  You must be
confusing this with the word electrolytes.  Good God Tara, could you at
least get a grip on what's been said BEFORE you go off on your tangents?
>I finally joined Pooflingers to find out what i could...i had known
>Kista Kim for years & had nothing but the Highest respect.I knew she
>at least had ferrets down to a science and wondered just why she would
>support this animal,Barb who you spoke of
I have met Kista Kim also and know that she ran an extremely clean
operation.  I am still scratching my head over her support of Rocky's
>....but i have not brought it here to the FML..
Uhhh, you just did, (bring it to the FML) What are you trying to prove
here Tara?
>After joining Pooflingers i must admit..the exact opposite is true....
>Pooflinger Barb & KistaKim & members thereof are some of the most giving
>people i have ever met Barb has a board of Directors and a website.....
>so does EVERY Shelter i know that is a well run Shelter..... With your
>hiding everything Kim (F),i truly do not feel you are a "Shelter" any
>more than i am......Why no Website?  Why all the secrecy??  Please
>explain as i feel this will give you more credibility.
You place way too much "credibility" by visiting a message forum but that
is your business.  I am forced to interject here regarding the definition
of "Pooflingers".  The name pretty much says it all.  Check it out for
yourselves folks, log on and watch the poo fly.  AND if you happen to be
the one they are flinging poo upon and you try to defend yourself, you
will quickly become barred.
There are plenty of rescues out there that do not have a Board of
Directors Tara.  Many people that run rescues from their home helping
animals in need and supporting it with their own $$.  We are all part of
the solution in spite of the fact that we have no Board Of Directors or
fancy websites.  What exactly am I hiding Tara?  Secrecy?  All because I
don't have a website?  I have said it before and will say it again.  I
adopt by personal reference only.  I answer to my own "Board of
>You constantly ask why Barb is doing this or that but NEVER visiting to
>see for yourself.If i were closer i would of been one of the first ones
>there,along with all the Oregon /Wy/Idaho & one WA Shelter in full
>force.....i SWEAR.
Do you ever read my posts or do you just skim through picking and
choosing what you choose to reply to in an effort to discredit me?  I DID
visit Rocky's.  I was unimpressed.  I have not returned.  I have heard
that improvements have been made, things are now "up to snuff" and have
posted to that effect also,...you must have missed those posts.  How
convenient.  HOWEVER, it is my personal opinion that anyone involved in
rescue would never have run a "rescue" in the condition that place was
in.  It was unacceptable for any reason for any length of time much less
the years it continued in that condition.
>There you sit Kim (F),doing nothing to help physically with this rescue,
>but posing bad "what if's" here on the FML bring doubts to this FANTASTIC
>rescue and about Barb in general.Please explain why?
More posts you skimmed over.  I DID offer help and was never contacted
regarding my offers of cages and portions of proceeds from the car wash.
Therefore, in case you would like to know, the car wash proceeds went to
the needs of my kids.  I regret even offering help at this point.  I
should have known it would turn into a giant poof.
>A few Oregon/Idaho/Wyoming/ and one WA Shelter are a network.  It works
>Beautifully...too bad you can't find it in your Heart to develop such a
My heart?  My dear it has nothing to do with my "heart", which by the way
you have no business questioning AT ALL!  AND I DO network with other
rescues and the last time I checked this was a free country which gives
me the right to CHOOSE who I network with.  btw, how much rescue work
have YOU done in your life.
>Mann this is about ferrets NOT egos....;
I am not the one you need to be telling this to!
>( Tell us what you see.....not what you hear... Kim (F) this is not an
>attack..i would just like some answers....really
I have told you what I saw...apparently you didn't beleive me.  I do not
have the time to keep responding to this pointless banter.  Do your
homework before you stir another pot Tara.  None of this bears repeating.
>Kind Regards and i mean that,
An oxymoron at best in the light of all that you have said.
>I'm certain Barb would welcome your Help..
The help I offered was not welcomed...or even acknowledged...I am
"certain" of that.
>Have you ever just sat & cried your eyes out (but had to get it together
>for their survival) over a huge group of abused sick,sad,(some dying)
>ferrets like every being at Rockys has???
Yes Tara, I cried real tears looking at the pics of those Hagerstown kids
and no Tara I have not been a part of such a huge rescue, but I fail to
see what bearing this has on whatever point it is you are trying to make.
I have dealt with smaller scale rescues of neglected and abused however.
Having the gift of AC, I physically feel what they have been through.
How many abused animals do I have to rescue to validate my efforts Tara?
Isn't that what you are getting at?  Big numbers=big hearts?
Incidentally, you may have also missed my post where I commended Barb and
Rocky's for doing this rescue..maybe you can regain YOUR credibility now
by responding.
Just plain regards,
Kim at SUMS
"I have no doubt that all living beings have souls but when I see how
humans treat our animal companions, it is evident that the complete
absence of soul and heart frequents only the human of beings.".
Kim Fox
Animal Communicator
Director of Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 4280]