Coughing is not caused by adrenal problems (except sometimes when too
much fur is ingested in grooming but it is not a symptom with which
one normally thinks of adrenal neoplasia) and the coughing is a more
immediate concern because of risk of cardiomyopathy or of serious lung
infection -- either of which needs to be tackled in a timely fashion with
specific treatments -- than for typical adrenal growths, but since this
one is having discomfort problems (the sores) and since there is also a
risk of more serious complications for adrenal neoplasia vet care is
needed rapidly.
If you look in the Critical References section at (a resource everyone should bookmark
because the links are superb for many ferret health, behavior, care, and
legislation questions) you will note that one section is devoted to
finding vets.  The listings given each differ from the last, but you
will find that each is a marvelous resource.
[Posted in FML issue 4280]