I hate to do this since there are so many other shelters out there right
now in need.  But I feel that I muct to ensure that our shelter kids
continue to get all that they deserve.
We are in need of donations.  If you can help....
Things needed:
Vet Donations (current vet bill is just under $1000)
I will be putting up eBay items this week (I hope) to try to raise other
funds.  Shawns mirror etchings will be on there too.
If you have a spare scale that we can use for ferrets or chicken baby
food that would help too.
We are currently nursing back to health, Sarah
We also just got in 2 female ferrets just 3 months old.  And this weekend
will be getting in 4 ferrets.
If you have already given to another shelter or the other rescues that
have just taken place, or are just not in a position to... that is ok.
Our kids will NOT go without.  We will find a way.
To those that have already donated to our vet... THANK YOU!  It means so
We do have a pay pal set up [log in to unmask]
Thank you all for keeping Zippy, Sarah and my mom in your prayers.  I
have not yet been able to write Zippys story up...it has just been too
much for me right now....But I will..
Permission to cross post.
Thank you again....you all mean the world to me.... the support from
everyone, in all ways means so much.
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4279]