Reading my post over,i realized I wrote that i had visited a couple
Shelters (I meant in WASHINGTON)..and had not found everything hunky
dorey BUT i at least visited to all these accusations in question
form Kim, you are not only hurting Barb Clay and her supporters &
helpers....but the poor lil abused ferrets most of all..  I'm certain
Barb would welcome your Help..
I have a feeling you may of never experienced an abused ferret rescue
first hand,Kim.... I have seen a few in Oregon but not of that
magnitude.The smaller ones are heartbreaking to say the least.....
Have you ever just sat & cried your eyes out (but had to get it together
for their survival) over a huge group of abused sick,sad,(some dying)
ferrets like every being at Rockys has???
Just a question......
GOD BLESS The Hagerstown Rescue...
Highest Regards to all of you involved;)
[Posted in FML issue 4278]