Q: "I loved your enrichment sereies, especially the photos!  but I have
a question....How do you find the time between working, school, your
ferrets, writting for MF....to write such frequent and long posts?
Tell me so I can find time and I'll send a donation to your favorite
A: Ok, here's story.  Clones.  If they could clone a sheep, then they
could clone a Bob.  The experiment got a bit out of hand, and the rest
is FML history.  The good news is I can get a lot of stuff done, the bad
news is paying for all those Hawaiian shirts.
I could never pick a favorite shelter, so if you think the answer
warrants a donation, there are plenty of needy shelters (and situations)
on the FML to pick from.
Bob C (and Bob C and Bob C and Bob C ...... and Bob C and Bob C and
[Posted in FML issue 4231]