I know how busy you are but the little girl that came to you on Saturday
did not have a name my husband wanted to call her Tiny Dancer because she
tried so hard to dance.  She is so sweet, we miss her so much.  Even
though her time her with me was so short, I tried to love her as much as
I could.  Please let my gang know that I love them and miss them so much
too.  I know her and my other girls will get along great.  Tell Chyna to
be nice and Fancy will mother her I know she will.  PePe is such a lover,
Banjo my first babie he is a thief he'll still her heart.  Scrappy he
will be her guide he is just that way.  I miss them all and I hope that
they are doing well.  Big hugs and kisses to all of them.  And tell Tiny
Dancer, that I love her too and I miss her so much.
For the LOVE of Ferrets
Louie & Candy & The 6 Pillow Piranhas
[Posted in FML issue 4244]