Dear "Very Concerned".  Since in this case the rescuing shelter is an
inspected shelter which resulted in Animal Control itself deciding that
the shelter was good you can put your worries aside.  In terms of monies
there is also a further safeguard in place because if the monies go
through the SOS not only are they tax deductible but the monies can
follow the ferrets to new locations if some are distributed to other
shelters to improve chances of adoption and distribute the workload.
[A comment from SOS:]
The important thing to remember is that SOS pays directly to the vet
taking care of the animals...or in the Hagerstown case, the money went
right to United for ADV testing.  It is SOS policy to pay either the vet
with a note going to the shelter letting them know about the donation,
or sometimes a check made out to the vet is sent to the shelter operator
for them to present to the vet themselves.  If food and supplies are
needed, then an account is set up with TFS.
To my knowledge, SOS does not write checks to individuals.
Without help think how many ferrets suffer.  Fortunately, there are many
people here with huge hearts who help those poor sweethearts who have
suffered through abusive situations.  I just hope that the contributions
so far have made a large enough dent in the expenses which such a large
rescue creates, and that these ferrets are not forgotten in a week or
two.  If payday for you comes in two weeks or a month remember that these
ferrets could most easily still have medical and upkeep expenses or debts
at that point, please, so do please plan your budget to send a bit on as
a contribution!  Abusers abuse the ferrets, the rescuers, and the
contributors.  I sure hope that this case goes to court, and I hope that
some show organizations clean up their acts and do checking when there is
a serious complaint (Kudos to the AFA for checking and then banning
her.), plus I hope that the show groups are all willing to present any
written agreements or contracts of care levels which they had with the
abuser in court as further proof of a continuing pattern!  That one
abusive and mercenary woman has victimized a great many.
[Posted in FML issue 4227]