Talked to the Vet today and he says that Bruno is peeing on his own and
is feeling much better but I can't take him home yet in case he gets
plugged again.  He said that Bruno trashed his cage so he can't tell if
ate or not.  To me that is a good sign!  He has been known to do that
if he can't come out at his appointed time (5am).  This has improved my
condition :)
According to the Vet the urine had no particles just an massive
infection.  A culture is being done to make sure they have the right
antibotic and I maybe able to bring home tomorrow.
I want to thank everyone for their support, prayers, and info.  I'm not
ready to lose the little monster yet.  Yeah, like I ever will but I know
the guy is no spring weasel.
Thanks Again.
[Posted in FML issue 4243]