Greetings All !
Just a request for some moral support ... I am desperately trying to
"rescue" a little neglected ferret whose owner seems to think it's fine
to leave the little fellow locked in a cage in a laundry room all day and
night.  Came very close to getting her to release the baby to me, but she
changed her mind at the last minute.
The woman is extremely 'moody' (I'm being polite here ...) and tends to
become abrupt and non responsive very easily.
I'm at a loss at what to do and was wondering if anyone had any
suggestions.  I have offered to pay for the little one, to no avail ...
I'm losing sleep over this and finding it hard to think rationally so
anyone who can offer up some ideas or can say a wee prayer for this
little fuzzy kid would be so very much appreciated.
Thanking all of you for letting me vent,
and hoping every little fuzz ball is a happy healthy one!
 & The fearless foursome...
 (..."If there are no animals in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go
where they went." -- Unknown )
[Posted in FML issue 4243]