I think I'm joining your club -- the TPO club, that is (although it's a
little redundant).  I remember reading about *another* Petey TPO (the
second, I guess), and I'm now submitting my application as "Percy TPO."
Wanna hear how it happened?  Well, I'll tell you right now (if I wait for
a reply, Mom might suspect I've been using her puter again).  I was in
the litterbox, minding my own litter business, and my sister Anabel hops
in the litterbox with me.  Since I hogged the "good" corner, she decided
that she wants to scooch in as close as possible, too, so she's standing
parallel to me.  Now, I haven't finished my litterbox business yet at
this point (it takes a while, and Mom swears I'm deep in thought during
this time), but Anabel evidently doesn't think much when she's doing her
litterbox business, because she lifted her tail and went.  Right on my
tail.  See, I have this funny habit of not lifting my tail straight up
and over my back like any normal ferret.  I lift my tail and hold it out
to the side.  And it happened to be the side on which Anabel was doing
her litterbox business.  Boy, did I feel silly.  So, Petey, are we TPO
Yours truly,
The ferret formerly known as Bomber: Percival the Stumpy, aka Mission
Commander Sausage (my Mom has way too much time on her hands)
[Posted in FML issue 4241]