I wrote to Michael Wozniak asking him to elaborate on his views on ferret
legalization in CA, and I asked him if he had a statement on this subject
that I could forward to the mailing list.  He sent me the following email
(a few names have been omitted).  The press release is at the end of the
--- Michael Wozniak <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 09:43:37 -0700
>From: Michael Wozniak <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Jaime Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret Legalization in California...
>Hello Jaime,
>Yes, I have been working for the legalization of the Domestic Ferret
>in California for years.  I support [...] Ferrets Anonymous, and have
>been a member of the California Domestic Ferret Association for years.
>I've marched on the steps of the Capitol of California in an effort to
>bring attention to the plight of this wonderful companion animal, the
>Domestic Ferret.  I've worked with [...] Californians for the
>Legalization of the Domestic Ferret, and have attended meetings of the
>Golden Gate Ferret Society, Legion of Superferrets, and others.
>I would love to see these wonderful creatures treated fairly in
>California as they are in every other state in the nation (Hawaii
>excepted).  I have been working diligently on this project, and know
>many people who are dedicated and committed like me, to this worthwhile
>Please read the attached press release, that explains why the issue
>is not addressed on my website.
>Thank you for your thoughts and concerns.  You can be assured that no
>matter what happens in the Special Election of October 7th, 2003 I will
>continue to work hard for the legalization of the Domestic Ferret in
>California and for the rights of pet owners everywhere.
>Michael Wozniak
> Candidate for Governor of California
> http://www.Vote4Woz.com
*************PRESS RELEASE:************
Michael J. Wozniak for Governor Campaign
Post Office Box 2221
Oakland, California 94621-0121
August 3, 2003
For Immediate Release:
While ferret legalization has always been a cause I have personally
supported and will continue to support, I do not want it to become
the primary focus of my campaign for Governor.  This would undoubtedly
push me to the fringe as a candidate.  There are many more serious and
pressing issues at hand in this state.  I can assure you that if elected
Governor, I will do everything in my power to support the legalization of
the Domestic Ferret in California just as they are in other states.  The
rehabilitation of our economy, bringing back fiscal responsibility to our
state government, improving education and reducing crime in California is
of foremost concern.
Michael J. Wozniak
Candidate for Governor
Special Election
October 7, 2003
[Posted in FML issue 4237]