I've waited to long to get help on this topic.
I have a female ferret I got her from a pet store, raised and trained her
myself for just over 2 years.  Now recently a young male as literally
thrown at me in a pet store
Drizzet's story> A man bought a kit for his 5 y/o son, and wanted to
return it because it bites his son and it and made squealing noises when
his son held it.  (I asked myself why does a ferret make noise when it's
being held?  If it's in pain of course)  The man was ranting and raving
the pet store wouldn't take the ferret back.  I casually said I'll take
the ferret if you don't want it and he turned to me and threw the baby
kit he was only 3 months at the time, 5 feet across the floor at me and
stormed out.  I wasn't prepared for the new ferret and right way I found
him to be scared of anyone touching his belly or back feet even though I
was very gentle he did chitter like he expected pain.  But he clutched
his paws around me like I was his only chance to survive.  I left my
number at the pet store incase the man ever came back though I'd never
want to give back the furkid which I named Drizzet.  He never called and
Drizzet who is still clutchy when you hold him now doesn't chitter and I
can now actually clip his back nails though that is a recent development.
Drizzet is the calmest kit he's not overly playfully all he wants is to
cuddle in 2 weeks he was nip trained and by the month out he was litter
trained.  He comes to his name and loves to ride upon my shoulder.
Anyway back to Falkkor, Drizzet was thrown at me suddenly  I'm in school
I didn't have the money to buy a new cage right away, She was put off by
him at first so I let her sleep loose in my bed room, where she was used
to playing and she's litter trained to.  and Gave Drizzet the cage, until
it smelled equally of him, the introductions were slow yet fast, by the
end the end of a week and half Falkkor and Drizzet slept in the same
cage, besides little playful skirmishes (They were play no one's tail
was fluffed up and no one was overly aggressive)  Falkkor and Drizzet
got along fine, but Falkkor's attitude started changing for the bad
she became slightly nippy and paid less attention to me at first I
ignored it.
Then suddenly we got another ferret, Lukas he is deaf, he is also two his
family didn't have time for him, his cage was what the pet store call a
ferret starter kit very bland and very boring not to mention small cage,
but the two new ferrets lived in the for a month while Falkkor got her
old cage back, Lukas and Drizzet took to each other great besides playful
skirmishes Lukas would pin Drizzet down and clean his ears etc..
At Christmas a month or so later I got a 5 story cage and moved them
all in together, giving Lukas cage back to his previous family.
Now that you have background information here goes my problem; Though
Falkkor gets along fine with the males fine, though no one!! is allowed
in her fuzzy hammock by punishment of the dreadful "I'm pulling you out
by the ear if you don't get out this instant" Falkkor's attitude has
changed I used to be able to trust her with children, they could pet her
and she wouldn't mind.  I take special care in socializing my ferrets.
Now she'll grab on to children and not let go it isn't painful what she
does but it's scary for kids, Falkkor use to be the unofficial mascot for
a pet grooming place I used to work at and great with all animals now
she'll latch onto any dogs face as soon as it gets close, even the little
yorkie she grew up with and they used to tussle and play like two puppies
Help me this isn't the loving ferret I raised, I separated her from the
boys but I need to know will her attitude return to normal or have I lost
her forever??
You live longer
Once you realize
That any time spent
Being unhappy is wasted
Nunavut Power
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[Posted in FML issue 4237]