Hi everyone again, I posted the other day about Cinders being in the
Sep/Oct Ferrets Mag. and thanked some special people
well I left one out so I could have more time to send a realy special
THANK YOU to her.  You see Julie Fossa had a big part in helping me and
Val that night when Cinders was put to sleep.  Val was talking about this
that and the other and I had no clue about anything she said, she said we
can do this or that or I could try to get Cinders up to Columbus to see
Dr. Beer the next morning and at that time Julie came to mind so I asked
Val to call Julie and talk to her and she did and they talked for a whial
and then Julie talked to me and I already new in my heart what had to be
done and Julie was there to help me and to be that shoulder to lean on in
my time of need and I thank her for that.  It means alot to have someone
there for you when you need them and I have meet alot of realy special
people whial on the FML that has helped me out when I needed help so I
THANK YOU all on the FML for everything:).
Anna and The Fuzzy Zoo Kids
Missing Ernie and Cinders
[Posted in FML issue 4226]