Today I decided that the ferrets needed some stimulation and enrichment.
First, I got a large spill proof ceramic bowel, and put some water in
it...they drank a little bit of it and went on playing...then I dropped
a few ice cubes in it...Mikey went bobbing for Ice cubes, and dunked his
whole head under water...air bubbles blowing out his nose, mouth wide
open, circling the dish chasing the unreachable ice cube.  He came up
for air after a minute, and dove right back in.  I figured, hey they
liked about this!  I got a very large cake pan, and filled
the bottom with ice cubes, and added a little bit of water for
slippery-ness...oh my gosh I laughed so hard I think I pulled a muscle.
Jack comes over to the pan, sniffs it, dips his front paw in it, and
jumps back about 2 feet.  Not sure what it was, he comes charging after
the pan and jumps right in the middle of it.  He slips, and falls on his
back, and he's surrounded by ice...what does he do?  He cocks his head
to the right, snatches a piece and dives out of the pan and heads for
the hidey hole.  Mikey sees the ice....he goes over to it and licks it
a little bit, and he did what reminded me of someone walking over hot
coals...he just pranced right through it like it was nothing.  Buckie
snatched up a piece and went off and ate it.  Kokie dug in it and flung a
few pieces out, and played with the ice.  My next trick, I'll try putting
some ferretone on the ice and see how they like that :)
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
Missing Noodles at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4234]