First and foremost, all of our good thoughts go out to the beloved
ferrets who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  Remember, they are not
gone.  They will always be in our hearts and we will see them again.
We usually read the fml posting very rarely.  We have been reading the
Hagerstown ferret story daily and even put in an adoption application.
We see a lot of people requesting help for the shelter, Barb, which is
great.  However, we are wondering if there have been any charges placed
against Di.  Apparantly she has dumped ferrets before, more than once.
The ferrets saved by Barb, the angel, were in obviously horrendous
situations.  Is Di going to be prosecuted for animal cruelty?  If not,
why?  We can come together to save only so many ferrets.  If we don't go
after, and I mean go after, the inhuman slime such as Di, what will stop
situations like this from occurring over and over?
Barb, we are so sorry to hear about your recent losses.  Be assured that
the fuzzies will be greated by many fuzzies that will play with them.
They will be waiting for you as you saved their lives and they will be
eternally greatful.  Thank you for doing what so many people could not.
You are truly a wonderful person.
Cheryl and Wendy - hoomans
Witchie-Poo, Arielle, Teddy, Snowball, Indigo, Fat Taz, Rug Rat, Max,
Sunny, Uri, Yogi, Oscar, Elmo, Milo, Moose, Puffy, Podo, Smokey, George,
Bully(Bulldog), Squeak, Co-Co
Sorely missing: Peanut, Judith, Paul, Baby, Clyde, Sugar, Bo, Beans,
Kodo, Abner, Snowman, Bonnie, Clyde(2), Gizmo = fuzzies and Shadow = cat
[Posted in FML issue 4234]