Hi Everyone,
It's time for the latest update on the Ferret FunFest coming up in about
a month!!!!!!  First of all, there have been a few changes for the show.
I know this is last minute stuff and highly irregular but it had to be
done.  The Hob and Jill classes have combined to create the Breeders
Class.  This class is open to all ferrets that are intact.  To make the
even number of 14 classes, the Late Alter class was created.  This class
is open to all ferrets that were altered later in life.  There are
openings (I believe) in all classes EXCEPT for Companion.  It has reached
it's capacity.  Now, is the time to enter your little ones in this
specialty show.  Entries must be in by August 27th to insure that your
ferret(s) make it into the show catalog.  Just follow the link in my sig
line to enter.
Ms. Danee Devore has graciously accepted the offer to speak at our show
about adv.  As you all know, this virus is a threat to all ferrets
nationwide.  Education and testing are our only defenses, at the present
time, against this insidious disease.  If you are not inclined to enter
your ferret, please attend her seminar.  She has lived with adv for quite
a while and has some wonderful information we can all benefit by.  As
soon as the show schedule is in place I will let you all know what time
her talk will be.
Last but not least, I would like to remind you of the afghan raffle that
is taking place at the show.  This raffle will help to offset the cost of
the adv testing being done at the show.  ALL ferrets attending the show
WILL be tested!!!!!!  Kat Parsons, that whiz bang Kween of Krochet has
created a brand new design just for our show.  I have gotten a sneak
preview and I know I want it!!!!!  I am sworn to secrecy, just let me
tell you that it is ferrety and very special.  The colors are neutral so
it will go with any decor.  Tickets are being sold NOW!!!!  As I type
they are being sold!!!!  Don't be left out!!!!!  You can purchase tickets
through paypal.com.  Simply type in sholland@wideopenwest and voila you
are there ready to take a chance.  Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.
If you would like we can snail mail you your tickets OR send the numbers
to you online.
Hope to see you at the show,
Ferret FunFest 2003-Sept.13! Visit www.mfran.org for more info.
[Posted in FML issue 4234]