Somehow I've convinced my mother that we have to go to the Ferret
Symposium!  I'm not sure how I did it, she's not really a ferret person
(she's a little afraid of them) but I was talking about going and she
asked if I was going to go alone, I said you come too, so she is.  I've
booked our room, and I'll be sending in the registration today.  Anyone
from the Chicago area going?  I can't wait!  I wanted to go last year,
but I had made commitments for that weekend and couldn't make it.  It
will be so neat to meet everyone I've read about or only talked to thru
e-mail.  A whole weekend hanging with people as crazy about ferrets as
I am!  Just about everyone I know thinks I'm nuts when it come to the
fuzz.  Eeeeeeeeeee!  I'm so excited!
Fuzzies Frank, Pikachu, Godiva and Timmy and the Beige Kitty
"We are led, when we share our loves, to an enchanted life of inner
happiness, which unsharing others cannot know."
Antonius Ferret, Fables
Richard Bach, Ferret Cronicles
[Posted in FML issue 4233]