While I was in Parkton helping with the enormous rescue efforts of Barb
Clay and Rocky's (supposed to be a three day stay that turned into five)
after arriving home on a very late flight and being exahusted too
exhausted to even wake my sleeping kids.  I woke up to find my Tig Man
had passed.  Tig was a very special boy that was rescued (yes, I consider
his purchase a rescue) from a well known breeder in Tulsa (needn't say
names) who too was living in horrible conditions.  He was my only non
marshalls kid and he was only 1 year old when he had his first adrenal
surgery on his left and partial right.  He had to go back in for a second
surgery in May to get the rest of his right which had already regrown to
double the size it was the first time.  After the sorrow of seeing the
Hagerstown rescue in pictures and viewing and working sixteen hour days
triaging, (actually I did the grunt work part) putting pictures to
ferrets, cleaning cages over and over and also taking care of the shelter
kids as well... I am in shock.
My Tig man was not supposed to go, he was only 2 1/2.  Yes he was double
adrenal but decided I guess that no timing or hormone shot would work.  I
found him this morning behind the open cage (as I never close the door)
sleeping forever peacefully.  I will miss that big lug so... he was my
boy, my dufus, my clumsy funny dancer and the best kisser of all my kids.
So please show him the way to Kodo (my first boy that passed years ago)
Tig only knew him for a short while as Kodo was very sick when I got Tig
at 9 wks but Kodo will reconize him Im sure of it.
I refuse to tell my sister she missed something..  and don't blame her
one bit I will not hurt her by telling her.  She loves my gang and it
will just tear her up.
Tig... momma misses you so much and loves you more than words can say.
You will forever be my favorite boy, my love , My Tig Man..
Sweet dreams my boy
Love momma , your girl Britney (whom I haven't had the heart to tell yet)
and your buds
Cocoa, Cali, Rascal, Jewels, Pugs, Snoop, Sammy and Tambo
[Posted in FML issue 4232]