There is not much news on the ill-fated group of 11 ferrets that were
reported to be turned loose in the Maine woods.
Dr. Sandra had one of her office people try to call the friend of the
"person" who had the ferrets.  They called from a cell phone that the
person would not recognize, and the caller id would not identify.  As the
person on the receiving end is no rocket scientist, they were able to get
thru to her.  After some stuttering and and yammering, the person said
that the ferrets were not turned loose as she has earlier reported.  She
stated that they were being kept at a friends house.  With that answer
given, she hung up.
As for the fate of the babies, we are left to wonder if the truth was
told and on which occasion.  Were they turned loose to die as threatened,
or are they being housed and cared for at a "friends" house.
Dr. Sandra chose not to report this to the authorities, as there is
little or no real evidence that anything was ever done to harm the
ferrets, and she does not even know who the owner of the ferrets is.
All of the animal control people in the area know to contact her if any
ferrets are found or are turned in to them.  They know she has ferrets
and that she has connections to help take care of them.
So we are left to hope and pray that these blessed creatures are safe and
sound, and living , if even temporarily, in a house that will show them
the love they deserve.
To even think of the alternative, hurts too much.
Ferret Rescue of Maine
A State licensed, 501c3 Non-profit ferret shelter.
Donate to shelter ferrets by clicking or use Paypal
[Posted in FML issue 4232]