Once again, PLEASE do not read into things posted that are NOT there.
This is why people post anonymously.  No one wants to be flamed for
questions or concern.
As for shelter donations being used as personal gain, come on now, common
sense here, we are talking spending all the money on yourself, not the
rescued ferrets and no one was pointing fingers at any one shelter or
rescue?  Where did some of you read this?  or read that Barb and Kim the
rescuers are being critisized?  Please go back and read the original post
as this is really getting blown out of proportion.  Please wake up and
use common sense when reading posts before jumping down people's throats.
This is why some people either no longer post or cancel the fml.  Stop
reading into what is not there.  No one is critisizing fml shelters.
Just keep eyes open for signs of abuse to ferrets, that is all, bottom
I even think people should donate money to the shelter mom or dad either
in gift card for a dinner or a seperate fund for their personal use, god
knows they deserve it, especially if they have many to care for.
We know shelters depend on money donations to help out the rescued
ferrets and that there are more than food and vet needs.  We are talking
about spending the donations on oneself for personal items.  For instance
remember Jen Morrison?and that huge rescue?  wasn't she taking donations
and using them for herself while the animals suffered?  It does happen.
As for abuse conditions in shelters, we are not talking dust or dirt on
the floors or 100% clean.  No one would expect that.  We are talking real
abuse issues, such as overcrowding, filth, no food, no water, no playtime
and all.  Just as there are bad dog and cat shelters or breeders, there
are also bad ferret ones out there somewhere.  There is always abuse out
there and you are kidding yourself if you think there isn't, whether it
be a breeder or shelter.  I myself have not seen it but we have heard
enough in the rescues of many animals.
Come on, please use a level head when thinking about these things and
stop nit picking over foolishness.  Please put time into hunting down
ferret abusers and investigating anything out of the ordinary, even if
they are rumors.
Granted most rumors may be false, yet just one could be real and if
investigated early enough could prevent the abuse of many ferrets before
having to do another huge rescue at the expense of losing precious
ferret's lives.
[very concerned]
[Posted in FML issue 4231]