>abusers who would sell on the basis of ribbons they should not have.
The sale of a ferret should never be based upon ribbons.  It is something
that happens all the time (in any species) and it is really too bad.
Ribbons just mean that somebody thought the animal was nice compared to
what they saw in front of them at that moment in time.
>I still have not heard if level of muscularity and muscle tone are used
>as part of the judging criteria.  It takes a decent length of time to
>build those and they also are often indicators of health as well as of
>living conditions.  A person can't put muscle on a ferret at the last
>minute, unlike a last minute clean-up of a normally abused and filthy
It is counted in *most* criteria.  However, Di Bachman was known to hae
her "show ferrets" and her other ferrets.  From what I have heard (notice
this is not first hand information), the show ferrets were in the house
and thus got time out.  I saw and judged her ferrets and they looked
cared for because they were.  They were her *good* ferrets for the
moment.  Just sickening.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Even then if you come across a ferret with some dirt or anything else
>of that nature it's almost impossible to tell why it is like that.  It
>could have simply been blowing it's coat, coming in or out of season,
>slept in a litter box on the trip, ect...
This is very well stated.
>Now that I have seen both sides I have to say Di Bachman only showed
>her absolute best ferrets.  Which leads me to believe the ferrets in
>the garage are not her showers and breeders.  Atleast not the ones she
Exactly what I think, too.  There *has* to be more ferrets someplace that
she is keeping.  It cost $$$ to import ferrets and that is what she did
several times.  I believe the last ones were from Finland.
Hug your fuzz . . .
Amy Flemming
[Posted in FML issue 4231]