With the International Ferret Symposium being only two months away, it's
time to start thinking about Table Topics!!  If you don't know what this
is....let me explain!
On Saturday morning as you enter the conference hall, you will see some
sign-up sheets laying on the registration table.  Each sheet will have a
topic and the name of the host or hostess who will be leading a
discussion on that topic during the lunch that day.  Look the topics
over, and when you see a topic that really interests you, sign your name
on that sheet.
Then, when the morning session is over and it's time for lunch, you will
go through the buffet line, fill your plate with some great food and find
your table- where you will eat and have a wonderful discussion with the
others at your table about the designated topic!  I can tell you from
personal experience-this is a great way to spend a lunch!!!
So....if you are planning on attending the symposium in Atlanta, and you
have a topic that is near and dear to your heart that you would like to
share with others, please let me know.  I need hosts and hostesses.  If
you don't want to host a table, but know someone that would make a good
host or hostess, please have them contact me.
Also....I am working on goody bags for the attendees.  If you have a
ferret-related item that you make or sell and would like to have a flyer
put in the goody bags, please contact me and I will give you more
Judy Cooke
Co-Director IFC
Events Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 4226]