Judy Cooke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>With the International Ferret Symposium being only two months away...
TWO months!?!  Did you say TWO months?  What happened to the last four
months?  It was SIX months away the last time I asked!
>... it's time to start thinking about Table Topics!!
Table topics?  I haven t even finished the interviews yet why haven t
those people responded?
Do you know what I still have to do to get ready for my table topic?  Do
you know I have to put together all those info sheets and the items we
will use?  (My topic is NOT for the faint of heart or stomach!  You ruin
my lunch and I will take it personally!)
>Also....I am working on goody bags for the attendees.
Goody bags?  Who has time for goody bags?  I have to reserve my
pet-sitter, get rabies shots for the two who are going to a new home and
get the videographer and the interpreter and more interviews and the
goodies for the shelter fundraiser and I promised to call all my regional
coordinators and they think I m a telemarketer and I need a Hawaiian
shirt and we have to get ready for the zoo trip I haven t even told my
*family* I am coming and
>If you have a ferret-related item that you make or sell and would like
>to have a flyer put in the goody bags
FLYER?  What happened to samples and prizes and gifts and . . .
Oh, man, I gotta go!  This is overwhelming!  Help!  I need more time!
>Judy Cooke
>Co-Director IFC
>Events Coordinator
And you call yourself my FRIEND!!!!
renee  :)
Publicity Chair, IFC
[Posted in FML issue 4231]