I was indeed bitten by a Di Bachman ferret.  The ferret was disqualified
and I spoke to her afterwords about possible socialilization issues with
her ferrets.  I was told that he was just a nippy kit and that she was
working with him.  I to ok that explanation at face value.  I saw no
other reason at that time to read further into the situation.  It's very
hard to look at a ferret and get an impression that it might possibly be
in a bad situation.  99% of all ferrets coming up to be judged are at
there best.  No dirt, no long nails, no nothing.  Even then if you come
across a ferret with some dirt or anything else of that nature it's
almost impossible to tell why it is like that.  It could have simply been
blowing it's coat, coming in or out of season, slept in a litter box on
the trip, ect... Now that I have seen both sides I have to say Di Bachman
only showed her absolute best ferrets.  Which leads me to believe the
ferrets in the garage are not her showers and breeders.  Atleast not the
ones she wanted.
For those of you who wondered about muscle mass and other catagories.
There are many types of shows and this show for instance was a "fun"
show.  It is a show designed to let some things slide, such as moderate
muscle mass.  At these fun shows the majority of the ferrets being being
judged are alters.  Little muscle mass to begin with.  So fators such as
those really don't get equaled into the equasion.  At these shows only
recently have a surge of breeder ferrets showed up.  Partly because
there is no battle for for points of breeder cups or anything like that.
It is where many showers get a start before moving on to AFA shows.
Ahhhhhhh.  Di Bachman, where to begin on this subject.  I am going to
voice a few opinions here and please take them as opinions and not fact.
I am fully aware of her past history of dumping the needy and unwanted
"not good enough to show or breed" ferrets.  I do think she has ferrets
that are her "prime" breeders and showers.  It would just play along with
her MO.  As far as checking out rescues and the people behind them.  All
I can say is give them a call ask for references and if at all possible
visit the shelter itself.  If you still feel uncomfortable donating
remember you are not obligated to in the first place.  Plain and simple.
I personally donate material goods to various shelters all the time.  I
however have a diffrent process when donating money.  I donate directly
to the vets office that has that particular shelter as a client.  That
way I know 100% where and what my money is going to.  Thats my personal
method and I am most comfortable operating that way.  I have not met Kim
and Barb but I hear Barb runs a good shelter.  I just pray that those
ferrets find the love and good home they deserve.
[Posted in FML issue 4230]