Hey everyone,
Thanks for all the responses I got, they're very appreciated and every
one will be printed out as is and given to my mom so she can have an
unbiased group of opinions on our situation.  I have taken and will use
many , if not ALL of the suggestions given :)
My aunt is a veteranary technician at a clinic nearby so I'm sure I can
find a great vet for my fuzzies.  Also, I have always planned on having
a "ferret fund" for use in emergencies.  As far as ferret proofing goes,
yes I do have a secure area palnned out for my ferrets.  At my mom's
(where I am 90% of the time) I plan on having my room and the living room
as safe roaming areas (I have went through in my mind several of the
"problem spots" in those rooms and am positive that they will be secure).
The suggestion of using my bedroom at my dad's as the ferret-proofed room
will certainly be looked into and don't worry, I will definitly make sure
my mom is comfotable with the ferrets b4 any weekends would be spent
without them.  Oh and to Mary Jo...I plan on testing how much available
time I would have for them by seing how much time I have left over with
my schoolwork and job only.  Then I'll also take into consideration that
they can be running about while I do my homework.  I especially would
like to thank the teens who came forth to prove that not all "kids" or
teens loose interest in their babies as time goes on :)
Oh and, one question...
Is it alright for ferrets to go down a flight of about 20 stairs that are
not carpeted.  Would they be in serious danger of slipping and causing an
injury, or is it just a slight possibility?
Thanks everyone,
Bridget B.
p.s. Someone mentioned that many teens get involved with a heavy load
of extra-curriculars, well I'm an animal lover, my pets are my
extra-curriculars :P :)
[Posted in FML issue 4255]