I too have an older ferret, that was just diagnosed with chronic kidney
failure.  Winter is 7 years old, but has the spunk of a kit.  My vet
suggested putting him on Hills feline KD, maybe trying to make a chicken
type soup with that.  What I do is, take gerbers stage 2 baby food
chicken with gravy ( 1 jar ), mix it with1 small can of KD feline canned
chicken with chunks (new) (not bland and yucky like the old canned stuff
I guess), and 1/2 cup hard KD feline kibble soaked in enough water to
cover that has softenedover a few hours ( the softened kibble will be
almost twice as much - add it ALL).  I add water till it is a gravy
consistancy, not thick, Winter does not like his soup thick.  I noticed a
lot of ferrets prefer their soups as a soup!  not thick like a chowder.
I put it all in a blender with a quick short squirt or two of ferretone
and blend.  In the morning or if it is a fresh batch,when I feed it to
him, I put in a drop or two of Tomlyn ferret drops and a drop of
ferretone.  He gets his soup 3 times a day slightly warmed.
When I first started, he would not eat the KD.  I started with chicken
baby food and slowly started adding the Hills feline canned chicken KD a
little more each time and disguised it by ferretone and a drop of Tomlyn
ferret drops!  It worked!  I slowly worked up to where I am today in a
matter of one month!  Winter went in for his blood and urine tests and
there WAS an improvement!!!  I was so thrilled !  Even his stools look
great, which did not before !
This was not easy.  I sat there holding him practicly begging him as I
was finger feeding him, trying to make him understand this was for his
own good and that I just love him so much.  I still have to start him up
and dip my finger in the soup a couple times and rub it on his lips, but
he eats it all on his own and loves it !  These kids are worth it, and
each day I have with them or I can help add even one day to their lives,
is worth everything to me.
My suggestion Wayne is to experiment with what tastes Bailey likes using
the KD feline diet.  I am not a vet, but it has helped so far with my
[Posted in FML issue 4254]