Yo Yo Yo...
Hi there!  My name's Dodge and I'z Princess Peppers friend.  Well
actually I'm more than that..  I protect her and snuggle and...... But
I'm NOT here ta talk about her...cause she does that ALL on her own!
I wanna talk about this SOS Raffle thing.  I gonna keep it short though
and NOT post like Pepper or my mom (the women talk WAY too much)
Sure you already know that SOS has a raffle every month (well pretty
much).  With new prizes every time.  They got some pretty groovy things
in there too.
Yeah I know, you all spend the money for the tickets, just to try to win
stuff for us kids.  What a deal!  Hay, but we let all ya'll (see I've
been reading the FML) laugh at us when we play.  We put up with your
kisses and hugs and baths and medications.  We even put up with your
cleaning our toys!  This is the LEAST you can do for us.
Plus, the money that you use for the raffle tickets goes into the fund to
help those poor Hagerstown Rescue ferrets.  They sure need a lot of help!
On to the Meat and Potatoes:
Raffle Info
This raffle runs from July 25th, until the winner is announced on
Monday, September 1st.
Tickets are $1.00 each, 6 for $5.00
Paypal https://www.paypal.com  payments need to go to
[log in to unmask]
with "SOS August Raffle" in the Subject Line.
You can only buy Paypal tickets now though cause you waited too long.
But hay, that's cool, easier than sending money.  But you only have until
FRIDAY to do that... or no ticket, no chance... no winner.  Then you
gotta answer to your kids about why you didn't get them all this cool
Well shoot, I talked too much!  Oh and now Pepper Says I have to include
a stupid picture.  I no have a cool picture of me.  But hay, this one
will do... what do I care?  I'm a stud no matter what!
So, go and buy some tickets... or more tickets if you already have some!
Good luck... oh and if you win some raisins... can you send them to me?
Later Gater
[Posted in FML issue 4253]