::Wavin' to Toby in Canda::
Hi Toby, good your back.  You need to come to da castle party.
Hiya from Canada.  Da Mom won't let me ouuut!  I so want to go ouuut!
She says sumptin bout HOT AND HUMID!  She comes in da shoebox all red and
glistening and whinessssss bout having to go out!  I wanna go ouuuut!
"So now, clans can marry, and Ruby Jean can go on with awedding." Dat
Wuby Jean bwoke my heart.  I gets a card for Valentines Day to Toby
Galloway.  Da Mom opens it and goes...awwwwww, I grab it wif my teeth and
take it to a hidey hole.  Woo Wooo......a gorgeous center fold.  My heart
goes pitty pat!
Den she writes...Wuby Jean Woves Wanger!  Eiiiiiyyyyy.  Bwoke my heart.
Toby da Koui Klub Kanadian Rep
[Posted in FML issue 4252]