Just thought I would address your concerns as they are very similar to my
first ferret experience.  I first came in contact with Wheezer when I was
a senior in high school.  A friend of mind had taken her in from someone
else but couldn't keep her.  I took her in and had a rough time keeping
up with her.  This was before there was a "ferrets for dummies" or FML
for that matter.  I was in the various bands (Trumpets Rule!), I had a
part-time job and a new girlfriend.  So I spent very little time with
her, mostly in the evenings; not nearly as much as I should have.  As is
usually the case, she developed complications and soon left me because
there were no vets in the area who were ferret knowledgeable.  You sound
very responsible for one so young, so far be it from me to discourage you
from setting out on the path to ferretdom.  But keep a few things in
1) It's almost like having a child.  They require a lot of attention and
2) Since there are few vets around who specialize in ferrets it may be
expensive just for check ups.  Also, it is an unfortunate fact that they
tend to develop costly illnesses.
3) You are only 15, so your life is just starting to roll.  When you get
your first car and get driving, you'll never be at home!  And you never
know when that new high school sweetheart will come along and draw a lot
of your attention.
If your heart is set, then here's a little advise I can offer:
1) It sounds like you live at home with your mother and visit your father
on a regular basis.  get them to back you up and support your decision.
If you educate then with the same fervor you have done to research the
care of ferrets, then they should be ok for short term care when you are
2) Have a place at both locations that allow your fuzzies plenty of safe
room to play.  I used my bedroom which was easy to block off.
3) Find a ferret knowledgeable vet before you bring home the new ones.
4) How much time.  I usually let mine run and play until they start
crashing and sleeping, which is usually about two hours.
5) Finally, always, always ask questions!  If something is going on that
you don't understand, call your vet or write to the FML.
It's a big commitment so be prepared.  Good luck.
James, Melissa, Kassidy & Jasmine
Loving:  Bebe, Riley
Missing: Wheezer, Pym, Rikki, Jako
[Posted in FML issue 4252]