well, apparently we have to go to court again even though we won the
first time.  for anyone who doesn't know what happened, two yrs.ago we
took Luna to two different vets who diagnosed her with some type of
infection but weren't comfortable dealing with ferrets.  We then took
her and her records (bloodwork showing signs of infection) to a vet who
claimed to be ferret knowledgable.  Well, he claimed on only a physical
exam that she did NOT have an infection but would do more bloodwork
(never got it, saw it, and are being denied it) and insisted that she
needed her spleen removed asap or would die.  Well she did die 48 hrs.
after surgery, OF SEPTICEMIA.  amazing, she didn't have an infection so
he claimed prior to surgery, but developed septicemia after the surgery?
well, we stopped pmt.  on the checks we wrote him but were forced to pay
part of it through the prosecuting attorney.  That was two yrs.  ago and
a few months back, after our house fire, he sues us.  all that time and
not a word.
The judge ordered on our behalf that since he accepted a check with the
statement "pd. in full" typed on it by the bank, that he could not
attempt to recover any more.  Now, he's appealing and we have to go
through a trial.We are in dire need of legal counsel in the state of
Kansas.  I've been searching for any kind of animal legal defense but
don't find anything.  Does anyone know of anything like this?  PETA
quite simply wouldn't consider helping.  Luna's story was published in
the Ferrets magazine about a yr.  and a half ago.  We do not want to
give this man another dime, especially since he refuses to produce the
bloodwork he says he did and will not allow the lab to speak with us
about the histopath, nor provide us with a copy of the original report
from them,however we do not have a lot of money to spend on an attorney.
I'd like to save my money to pay a GOOD vet with the next time one of our
guys needs something.  Anyone have any ideas or know of any type of
animal legal defense?
Angie George
[Posted in FML issue 4252]