>Oh, and they have dug all the marrows and herbs from the extrakitchen
>garden outside the gathering room and say they are planting raisin trees,
>and Ferretone bushes, >with trellises planned for tube-tube vines because
>the marrows had no marrow in them... Someone needs to talk to them.
`Ello Miz Sukie & Da Oracle!
Muki da Mukster here!  I'ze a-gonna volunteer to come an' visit da
castle!  I KNOW tapestries are not fer climbin' on!  Nope and no-siree!
Theyze for playin' under and pouncing each other under!  Yuppers!  An'
my mama done taught me REAL good howta make raisins from GRAPES!  Shes
even planting some grape rootstock so's we can have FRESH raisins!
She says I gotta share with Mr. Jelly, though ... and with the new guy
that got dropped off last week `cause his people didn't have time for
him since they got a puppy.  His name's Pogo, and I can't WAIT to play
with him, cuz he's younger than Jelly and younger than grandma's ferret
Jasper ... but I still don't wanna share my raisins with him!
So... I'ze not a wise weasel yet... but my name means bringer of joy and
enlightenment... so... can I go to the castle... hmmm, pleeeeeeeeze??????
Muki Da Mukster
[Posted in FML issue 4250]