Buckeye Bash People,Everyone for that matter.........
Please do NOT do blood testing with Avecon,EVER.....
Use United...
IF Avecons instant saliva tests are acceptable, they are predictable but
blind tests were done doing blood with Avecon & results were everywhere.
Ferrets who had tested Positive came up negative & vice versa.Testing
was done by Kristine Lunny/Friends of Fuzzies formally of Bend Oregon
(relocated) and Neen Parkes,Frontier Ferrets/Wyoming.  United,has been
the only reliable testing so far....
IF you test with blood using Avecon you may very likely go through the
heartache of THINKING you have a Positive ferret when in actuality you
have a perfectly negative ferret.(or the other way around;(
I hope that very time consuming,expensive study was not in vain.....
Questions? Mail me;)
Best Wishes,
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4214]