Pherit here.  I hear dhat you all are wonderfull.  Ms. Cookie tole me
dhat.  She so happy!  She say you all gave over $1095.00 Dhat a lot of
money.  I still writin stories too cauz I said I would and cauz I haveing
But I don't know what ta rite about.  Would you like to hear about my
adventures at Disneyland or being on board a cruise ship?  Let me know
and I rite.
You can check dhis site out ta cee who donated to da ADV Research.
It really means a lot ta me and my family dhat you helpin support ADV
Research.  I really really mean it.  I no lie either.  But you know dhat
cauz I always tell truth, even in stories.
Okay, well I got ta go but I be back.  rite ta my email and I find out
which storie you want to hear and dhen rite it for you all.
Why did da ferret cross da road?
Ta go on an adventure of course!
[Posted in FML issue 4212]