As a child, the idea of living at Disneyland sounds too good to be true.
However, this fun-loving lady makes it a part of her life.  Indeed, it
is one of the benefits of living in California.  Especially since she has
never had ferrets.  And, considering her job, it may surprise readers to
learn that the 2002 International Ferret Symposium introduced this Ohio
transplant to her first ferret.  Indeed, she counts the visit as an
*amazing experience!*
*Meeting the ferrets at CJ Jones' 24 Karat Ferret Shelter in Las Vegas
before last year's symposium* was her first ferret encounter.  Although
it is no surprise to any shelter operator, it surprised this novice to
learn that *The ferrets there are loved and cared for just like anyone
would hope for a pet.  The ferrets were certainly full of fun and
What was the most memorable part of this experience?  *Seeing CJ Jones
and her helpers assist one of the ferrets, Slim, to empty his bladder.
His medical condition required this.  That was the epitome of devotion.*
This writer enjoys spending time with her family and friends.  She
proudly declares, *I have three terrific brothers.  One is married and
has a 2-year-old son, and it's been great fun being an aunt so far!  My
parents are still active and enjoy big band dancing at Disneyland almost
every Saturday.*  For fun, she and her friends enjoy watching TV, going
to movies and Disneyland.
Like many of our other speakers, this one is very diverse.  While she
enjoys fantasies and sci-fi as much as the others, her movie taste can
be described as *eclectic.*  Want to know what she likes?  Then corner
Marylou Zarbock, editor of Ferrets Magazine, at the symposium and ask
her what Gene Kelly, New Orleans and Tolkien have in common.
Among her favorite memories are *the last vacation our family took as a
group.  We visited several western states.  The highlights were seeing
Zion and Bryce Canyons in Utah, riding ATVs at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes
and seeing a ghost town near Kanab, Utah, and revisiting Carlsbad
Caverns.  I love caves.*
Given the opportunity to spend a day with someone, our family-loving
editor chose *my dad's brother.  He died in WWII, so I never knew him.
I've always wondered what he was like.* And her heroine would have to be
*my mother.  She keeps going no matter what crisis may arise and always
puts other's needs above her own.  I think that's amazing.*
So what motivated a non-ferret owner to work for a ferret publication?
Marylou said, *The great opportunity and challenge it presented.*  She
has risen to that challenge, giving ferret owners everywhere access to
some of the great information available.  Many wonderful shelter
operators and owners have shared their experiences with ferret lovers
everywhere under her direction.  We will remember her for that, and as
she wants to be remembered, *As a good person.*
The Ferrets magazine Web site is at
Marylou can be reached at [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4212]