I have been running a raffle for 3 weeks now, and it is supposed to close
on the 17th of this month.  Unfortunately I haven't had enough people buy
raffle tickets to pay for the cost of these items!  Therefore I am
extending the raffle for another 2 weeks!  Please visit the web page I
have set up for the raffle.  It has pictures and detailed descriptions of
each of the four items up for raffle, and the way I have it set up, you
can purchase a ticket (or tickets) for each item independantly of the
other!  For those of you who have purchased your tickets already, I
appreciate your patience and your support in allowing me to let the
raffle go on a bit further.  These are huge items and it's for a good
cause and a great shelter, that saved my ferrets when I had to move and
while I lost my job so that I could get them back 3 months later when I
got back on my feet and into a home that would allow my 4 crazy furbutts.
Please visit my page and send your raffle money in to win one of these
4 great prizes!  As it stands now, I have only had enough people buy
tickets to pay the cost of shipping the items out to their winners :(
the link is:
and from there you can read the story of how I came to start this raffle
and see pictures of the wonderful furkids Im running this raffle for, as
well as the prizes and their pics and descriptions!
Thank you wonderful Ferret Community!!
Rae Edmiston
Faoli, Fiona, Soot and Freckle
[Posted in FML issue 4211]