Do you all remember my post of discovering nipples on Gonzo.  Well a
very nice lady (I believe it was Julie Fossa or something) told me that
she notices this in ferrets with adrenal.  Sure enough, I check his tail
thoroughly and noticed a very small patch of fur missing the day she sent
the e-mail.  A couple days later I notice the spot has become larger.
So I would like to say thank you for your e-mail and I think you hit it
right on the head.  Yours was the only response I received and if not
for you I would not have caught this so quickly.  Thank you so much (I'm
sorry if I did not get your name right)
On another note.  My vet wants to send the test to Tennesee before doing
surgery but I don't know if it is worth the $150.00.  Currently Gonzo is
showing 3 symptoms.  About one square centimeter of missing hair on his
tail, rubbing his "winger dinger" on the edge of the coffee table, and
nipples.  Does anyone out there think this is enough to just do the
surgery without tests?  I also want to know how risky this surgery is
(assuming it is on the left gland)  My little guy is a 4 pounder and 2
years old if that helps.  He has been put under the knife two times
already.  Once to get an eye removed and another with a false alarm of
juvinile lymphoma and he had no problems with the anestesia.  What is
the prognoses after surgery and how much do meds run you guys?  Any help
is appreciated.  I have an appointment for the vet to look him over and
take blood if needed on monday so let me know ASAP.
Dayna & Gonzo (who WILL be okay)(sorry for spelling)
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circus = slavery
[Posted in FML issue 4211]