I'm sorry I haven't written sooner.  We have been so busy here at the
shelter with all the new ferrets being turned in.  Along with that we
have to redo our entire website, its still up and running, but the person
who took most of the pics wanted them taken off the site so we are
basically starting over.  So myself and my wonderful awesone shelter
slaves,lol, are busting our butts keeping things going.
So anyway, I wanted to thank everyone who sent cards and letters on
Mellos passing.  I still have a big hole in my heart from her leaving
me.  I think of her everyday.  she was such a special little angel.
Also thanks to everyone sending donations this way, we are in need of the
cash for the vet bills.  Two ferrets had surgery last week and 3 more
going in this week.
Thanks also to Julie for her beanie adoptathon, she has money waiting for
the shelter, I just have to get my butt over to pick it up.
I also heard that Julie lost a wonderful ferret named Brac, he pased over
the rainbow bridge while she was out of town.  I know she is devistated
and anyone that could send her a card or words of comfort would greatly
be appriciated.  her e mail is [log in to unmask]
Again thanks to all who support our shelter by any means, it means so
much to the ferrets.  I have the best people helping me that anyone could
ask for.  I love you all.
Take care,
[Posted in FML issue 4209]