I would like to take a second and just give Troy Lynn Eckart a huge
thank you and hug for being there for me over the weekend.  I came home
Thursday night to find Jigs in a coma and having seizures.  We gave him
honey and rushed him to the local vet who called our ferret vet two hrs.
away.  Luckily he came out of it and is slowly regaining strength.  I
don't know how many times I phoned Troy Lynn, even at 4:00 a.m. and
asked for advice.  I've gotten up at least every two hrs.  to feed Jigs
and medicate him and I just don't know how Troy Lynn does it.  I'm
exhausted and heartbroken to see my baby have insulinoma and know that
someday he won't be with me.........
How Troy Lynn handles the constant heart break I'll never know.  Kudos to
all you shelter folks..........................
[Posted in FML issue 4209]