Although not a ferret owner herself, this Californian is dedicated to
them both at work and play.  I met my first ferret in 1988 and felt the
law in CA that bans them was wrong and unfair.  Since then I instituted
the rescue program for ferrets at California's agricultural stations.
In 10 years of rescuing ferrets, you are bound to run across some red
tape occasionally.  Sometimes something good comes from it, though.
Our speaker s favorite ferret memory is one such story.  Flying a little
ferret named Francis out to Oregon with permission from Fish and Game,
officials at the San Jose Airport wouldn't allow us to board the plane.
I missed my flight but called the Fish and Game Captain I work with and
we were flown out on the next plane to Portland.  [It] caused quite a
stir but the crew of the plane fell in love with Francis.
When this speaker is not spending her time devoted to ferrets, you can
find her riding her horse or flyfishing!  In fact, her most memorable
experience was flyfishing on the Ponoi River in Russia for Atlantic
Salmon at midnight in July.  You could read a book at that late hour
because the sun never really set and the river and the fishing were
magical.  And, if she could spend 24 hours with anyone, it would be
fly fishing with Lefty Kreh and my Dad.  Lefty is one of the best
known living flyfishermen today and his enthusiasm and knowledge of the
sport is unparalleled.  And my Dad taught me to fish so what better
Indeed, this photographer and her dad are quite a combination.
After her mother died suddenly, her dad was left to raise four kids
two boys and two girls and run a successful business on his own.
Instilling in his children his own values this dad is a ferret hero
in his own right.  My father, Floyd, is a ferret lover and co-founder
of Californians for Ferret Legalization.  He's also on the board of
directors of the Ferret Education Foundation, a non-profit dedicated
to helping ferrets in the US.
It should come as no surprise that Jeanne Carley loves movies.  She
introduces special effects into her own work and finds the special
effects in today s movies mind-boggling.  Her favorite?  I love the
Ring series so far because I am a big Tolkien fan.
How would Jeanne like for people to remember her?  I'd like to be
remembered as a creative person who loved ferrets and tried to help
legalize them in California.
To learn more about Jeanne and see her products, visit Jeanne can be reached by
e-mail at [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4209]