Hello fellow fuzzie lovers again!  Just wanted to say a HUGE HUGE thank
you to those who have responded with their gracious willingness to help
me and my fuzzies out with our big, upcoming move to Seattle.... However,
we are still needing some help with a place or two to stay along the way
so I've re-attached my previous posting that contains the new, up-dated
itinerary and route.
If this will put anyone's mind at ease about opening their home to
'strangers' .... I am a 33 yr. old professional, dependable, kind, and
responsible woman who has worked in Law Enforcement for over 5 years
(former Boston police officer) and has recently graduated with my BS in
Criminal Justice / Psychology.  Most recently, I've worked as a
Corrections Officer for a medium security facility here in Missouri.  I
have impeccable professional and personal references should anyone wish
to check them and I can assure you that we are a SAFE, RESPONSIBLE BUNCH
seeking nothing more than a roof over our heads, in lieu of hotel rooms,
as we pass through to Seattle.  Also, I would be happy to send along
photos so you can see us "in person" .... My fuzzies, however, I can only
say wonderfully BIASED things about but will take full responsibility for
their unpredictible antics!
I'm doing this entire move by myself and would greatly appreciate the
time and efforts and kindness of anyone else willing to help us out with
nothing more than lodging.  Please contact me via email or telephone (see
below) with questions, concerns, etc....AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Thanks again!  Have a great blessed day with your fuzzbutts!
Sincerely -
Jen, Sasha & Snowball
Hello fellow fuzzie lovers! A fair number of you know me from my numerous
posts about the escapades of my tiny but active two-some clan, Sasha and
Snowball . . . They are both doing great and we are all trying to survive
through the sweltering summer heat!
Well, this time around I have a monstrous request to share with anyone
willing and able to help us. I am going to be relocating from Kansas City,
Missouri to Seattle, WA this month (most likely during the week of July
20-27th) and will be driving my 17  U-Haul (and attached car) the entire
distance by myself (along with the fuzzies of course!)
In lieu of hotel stays, I was wondering if ANYONE out there would
be willing and able to PLEASE provide us with minimal overnight
accommodations in several places along our route (see travel route
below).  This would greatly help me reduce my already staggering moving
expenses and also provide a sense of added security, being in a home
instead of a lonely hotel room.
I realize this is a tremendously risky request to ask of total strangers
but I can assure you that we are a safe, responsible, friendly trio
seeking nothing more than a safe place to rest at the end of each day.  I
will have a comfortable, inflatable bed and all the food and necessities
for myself and my fuzzies so nothing more would need to be provided
except the sleeping space and I would be more than happy to provide a
"donation" to anyone's 'ferret fund' as a measure of gratitude for your
help, by all means!
Listed below is a copy of my tentative itinerary and the stops I will
need to make at the end of each driving day, as best as I can predict
within say 50 miles.  If anyone can help or has any suggestions at all,
please do not hesitate to contact me directly via email or telephone
(660-441-1856) That would be most appreciated!
Thanks to everyone in advance for your willingness to help us get home!
It s going to be a long trip but I m staying focused on the end result
of getting me and my fuzzies to our new place, safe and sound.  Thanks
again!  Cheerio!  Jennifer, Sasha & Snowball
TENTATIVE  Itinerary:
Day 1 (July 24): Kansas City, MO to Sioux Falls, South Dakota (arrive
around 7-8 pm).  Rest for evening near Sioux Falls.
Day 2 (July 25): Sioux Falls to Rapid City, S.D. to Sheridan, WY to
Billings, MT (arrive 6-7 pm and rest for evening or continue on to Butte,
Montana (arriving near 10pm?)
Day 3 (July 26): Butte, MT to Missoula, MT to Spokane, WA to ?  (I don t
think I can quite make it to Seattle this day because that would be about
12 hrs. of driving so I d be stopping somewhere between Spokane and
Seattle around 8-9pm I believe).
[Posted in FML issue 4209]