Hi ya'll.  Pherit here again!  I so happi.  Why I happi?  Well cause
right now you all made mi day.  You cee, I didn't know if you all would
send money to Ms. Cookie or knot.  I didn't think my stories were dhat
Mommy told me ta knot get a big furri head cuz you weren't sending money
ta me or just cuz of mi storie.  You sending ta help with da ADV
research.  Dhat what it all about.  So, before mi storie I wanna talk
about ADV.
Da last site said: The hallmark of ADV is hypergammaglobulinemia (the
gamma globulin level is generally greater than 20%) usually with
concurrent hypoalbuminemia.  The most consistent histopathologic finding
of ADV in ferrets is liver disease due to infiltration of the liver by
plasma cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages.  Enlarged lymph glands and
lesions throughout the body may also be found in many, but not all,
cases.  Mink with ADV commonly develope kidney disease, but ferrets do
not seem as prone to this development.
I no understand dhat til mommy explained it... so I gonna explain dhat
WHOLE sentence in 2 words... yep, 2 words!  Ready?  Okay.... ADV KILLS
See... dhat simple.
So... all you need ta know is..
Cee... dhat simple ta remember.
Judy Cooke  (Ms. Cookie)
851 Burnt Pond Road
Ostrander, Oh  43061
****Make checks payable to 'University Foundation'.*****
You can check dhis site out ta watch the money grow.
All da monies dhat you send to Ms. Cookie will go to research.  Dhat
research group been workin hard.
Dhey doing it cuz dhey love ferrets...just like you do.  But dhey need
help from us.  And Ms. Cookie is so nice cuz she collect money and send
ta dhem.  She no do it on her own dooh.  She need everyone ta help.  I
try sendin lots of green thingys but mommy said we no have too much so we
send a little.  I always here say dhat a little goes a long way...dhat
true except when it comes ta treats.
Speakin of treats.  My police storie is coming out tomorraw.  But I tell
ya, it's about Pherit catchin a thief and you will never guess what dhey
stole and who stole it!
[Posted in FML issue 4206]