Hi all,
We just got a new flea product at the vet office i work at.  I am not
sure of its safety on ferrets and was hoping somebody could let me know.
I am not using this on my ferret.  It is called Mycodex All-in-one.  It
advertises as a flea and tick killer.  It says it repels flies, gnats,
and mosquitoes.  For dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.  (the kitten part
makes it SEEM that it would be safe for ferrets)
  .15% pyrethrins
  .15% nylar pyridine
 1.50% piperonyl butoxide
  .50% Notyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide
97.70% Inerts (grooming stuff)
The warning labels says: Do not oversaturate, especially on cats.
Sensitivity may occur, wash with mild soap and rinse well.
What do the experts out there think of this?  Also, Do think the problems
with that Control stuff was due to oversaturating?
I found a couple pink bumps on Gonzo's fat belly.  I got all worried,
and rushed him to the vet.  I though it could be bug bites, and allergic
reaction to something, or something much more serious.  So, we are at
the vet office and upon examining the bumps the vet starts laughing
histarically(sp).  "Uh, Dayna, these are NIPPLES"
Yeah go ahead and laugh everybody.
On a more serious note.  I inspect him weekly and they have never been
there before.  Does anyone know what could have cause this outburst of
four nipples?  He is now 2 years old.
Dayna & Gonzo & his new nipples
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circus = slavery
[Posted in FML issue 4205]