C'mon - you know who you are!!  Those who like to sew, or needlepoint.
Those who can paint, sketch, draw, photograph, or do stained glass.  I
know you are out there ~!~!
How would you like the opportunity to show off your work and help a
worthwhile cause?
For those who don't know, each year the Pacific Ferret Shelter Network
has their annual Grand Ferret Fun Frolic in Oregon City.  People come
from all over to attend.  It gives us a chance to meet people we may not
ordinarily meet.  There are contests for the humans and the ferts.  There
are tables where you can buy neat items from the shelters and vendors.
You can exchange information, or just relax and have some fun.  No charge
for admittance.
Our big fundraiser on that day is our live auction.  All kinds of items
and goodies are available.  Last year the auction helped to raise
$5,000.00 for the shelters in the network.  All the items in the auction
are donated by companies and individuals to help the cause and raise some
How about it?  Think you may have something you would like to donate for
the auction?  Can you make something that would make people go 'oooooo -
Ahhhh!'.  Can you make a dynamite sleep sack set?  Do you have 'just the
best' ferret photo or drawing?  Maybe a woodcut or carving of a ferret?
Some of the items we've auctioned in the past included an autographed
Bob Church photo entitled 'Ferret Fourplay', and an original Kat Parsons
afghan among many other notables.
Ah!  But wait!!  It doesn't HAVE to be ferret related.  We have also
auctioned off weekend trip to a B&B on the coast, digital camera, an
authentic home cooked German Dinner for 2, Emergency Power Outage kits,
tickets for movies and sporting events, the list goes on..  Maybe you
own a business and have something you would be willing to donate.
The PFSN is a registered 501c3 non-profit so your donation would be tax
deductible.  The monies raised go to the shelters in the network.  Your
gift would be helping not just 'A' shelter, but a group of them.
Anyone who is interested, or that may have questions, please contact me
off-list and I'll fill you in on whatever details you need ~!~!
This years Frolic will be held Sunday, August 10 from 10am-4pm at
Clackamette Park, Oregon City, OR.  More details will follow soon.
Please feel free to cross post on other lists
Kevin B & The Way Kewl Kritter Crew    [log in to unmask]
Oregon Ferret Shelter volunteer http://www.OregonFerretShelter.com
Pacific Ferret Shelter Network VP http://www.FERRETNET.ORG
[Posted in FML issue 4205]