No tell everyone to buy tickets!  I want the quilt!
>Here where you go to see how to buy tickets.
Oh, I got it.  They can buy tickets and if they win it they can send it
to me... yeah!  That sounds like a good idea.  Ok everyone... start
buying tickets!
You can buy tickets through paypal too... [log in to unmask]
You can get 30 tickets for only $20.00 or just buy one for a dollar.
See, so everyone can get a ticket!
But if you win... remember, this Princess Pepper wants YOU to send HER
the quilt.  (don't tell my mom about our arrangement, cause she not be
happy about it).
>Did you know that ALL of the money from sale of tickets go to University
Of Georgia??  They do something called research.  My mommy (your Auntie
Ardith) say this real important 'cause they gonna find a cure or even a
vaccine for ADV, the bad thing that kills our friends like White Russian.
I no like ADV.  It kills us kids.  The kids get sic and die from it.  No
fun.  We need to raise bunches of money so it goes bye-bye's.  Ok?
Princess Pepper
[Posted in FML issue 4195]