This is from Susie Lee at the Ferret and Dove Sanctuary in Pensacola.
From both Wesley and I, Here's a wish and a prayer that Chiklet Ferret
will "pull through" and decide to stick around for years more of life
with you.
We've had "touch-and-go" with several fur-kids, too.  And one, Katie
O'Cato (Ferret), decided to stay.  Because love and colloidal silver
helped keep her infections at bay.  Just 2 drops in her drinking water,
and poured straight on her dog-bite wounds, the colloidal silver turned
away gangreneous ooze.  So Katie recovered you can see her, now, here.
look for the Story of Falcor LuckDragon and Katie O'Cato. A true story
with a (sadly rare!) happy ending.
Susie Lee, Wes Hurley
Ferret & Dove Sanctuary, Pensacola, Florida
(850) 475-0780
[Posted in FML issue 4201]