I was searching for something else (more info in case it might help 6 and
1/2 month old Chiclet who is still always exhausted and having obvious
dizzy times but whose pathology is not back, yet) and found this, but I
can't recall who was looking for something like this, so am sharing it:
which is part of
which has extensive bibliographies in each of the following areas:
General,  Anatomy, Anesthesia / Analgesia, Animal Models, Auditory /
Hearing, Bacteria, Biology,   Black-footed Ferrets,  Care/Housing,
Circulatory/Cardiovascular, Dental, Digestive System, Disease,Emesis,
Enrichment, Feeding/Nutrition/Metabolism, Neoplasia/Tumors,
Neurological/Nervous System. Parasites, Renal/Urinary, Reproductive,
Research, Respiratory, Veterinary, Viruses, Selected Web Sites
It also has a some links that relate to some people's past questions.
(With her still being so terribly ill I am once again worrying if
something leiomyosarcoma or one of the other things on the list of
possible causes is perhaps going on with this very young girl, though
it is possible that she has some core of infection that still hasn't
been able to be found with her so weak and it so hidden and I worry
about that, too.  Today she was listening to the Be Good Taynas and
Christine Lavin and enjoying them; she loves plucked music.)
Okay, I ofund one of the things I was looking for:
[Posted in FML issue 4195]