One of my ferrets has been having 'funny' moments.  She stands still and
stares for quite a while.  It doesn't seem to matter what else is going
on around her.  Even if I go into their room she doesn't move.  Then
without warning she seems to be ok and either runs to me or carries on
with what she was doing.  (She is a one year old silver.) These can
happen several times a day.
She has always had a delicate nature and a couple of times had 'panic
attacks' where she was breathing fast and very noisily after I cleaned
out her room.  Although these haven't happened recently.
Has any one else experienced this sort of thing?  Or know what it is
caused by?
Thank you.
Love Livi
Pickles, Pebbles and Psycho
[Posted in FML issue 4199]