I thought it best to tell you all.  Ryoga has passed on.  He was a 7
and a half year old, very loving sable that had been through a lot.  He
had been struggling with insulinoma for the last year and a half, and
had first one adrenal out 4 years ago.  Then almost 2 years ago he had
adrenal cancer in the other, along with a plethora of other
complications.  But he pulled through them all fairly well.
Last week I noticed Ryoga was showing some hind leg weakness.  So I
scheduled a vet appointment for the next day (Friday).  The vet delivered
the bad news, Ryoga's adrenal cancer had come back and was very
aggressive.  Moreover given his age - over 7 and his current condition,
he was in no shape for surgery.
Over the next few days Ryoga deteriorated quite fast, so that by last
Monday he could no longer move his rear legs, and could barely move at
all by Tuesday.  Yesterday morning we took him back to the vet, and had
him put to sleep.  He had been with us for not quite 7 years.
Rest well dearest little friend.
[Posted in FML issue 4198]