I no believe it!  Peepole like mi stories!  Dhey really like dhem!
I gots 3 more ta do.  I gotta get busi.  I gonna tell ya tamorraw about
da cruis e ship dhat I went on.  Momma said no gambling... but daddy took
me.  I tell ya all about it... da parasailing, da food, and even da room.
I stashed some dhing s dhere so I can have dhem for next time I go.
I even got mail!  I feel so special now.
I hurd about da ferrets dhat that mean witch had.  But you know what I
say?  Well, she was mean and all but us kids, we be good.  But you know
why no one helped befour?  Cause dhere Fairy Ferret-Mother couldn't find
Dhem.  But now dhat she has found dhem she is never gonna let go.  She
gonna be with dhem and watch over dhem and make sure dhat dhey be ok.
But she also knows dhat some of dhem might be sick and might not make it.
She say dhat ok.  She say dhat when dhey leave dhey are out of pain and
dhat good.  She no want peepole or odher ferrets ta cry .  It gonna be
Mi job is ta keep ya laughin.  Can ya do dhat?  Ok... picture me...
runnin through da tube.  I haven fun until I cee dhat I can't get out.
I look up and see da dda laughing at me and his hands on da tube... he
connected both ends of ta flex i tube together and I been runnin in
circles!  He laugh and dhen let me go.  Is how him a dhing or two... I
run up his leg and bite him on da butt!
[Posted in FML issue 4224]